Archive | May, 2010

she doesn’t love you

16 May

there seems to be a theme going on in my life right now, one i’m not particularly happy about (because, come on, blogging is like songwriting, you don’t generally do it when you’re happy). it can all be summed up with “moulin rouge.”

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16 May

most of the time, i feel like my tomtom, who my friends and i have nicknamed “svetlana.”

anytime i get lost (which is often, despite the owning of the svetlana), she can almost always rework her directions to acommodate whatever stupid turn i’ve just taken or not taken. no matter where i go or how i mess up, svetlana can always find another way around to get where i’m going. you can almost see her thinking, “no, no, that’s cool – hold up – i’ve got another way to get there.”

and that is generally how i live life. if something happens that i don’t want to happen, or something i’d rather not happen, whatever, i just keep barreling through. i find another way around it to get where i need to be. i try not to get too flustered and just focus on the desired destination.

but, lately, i can’t help but think, i just want to drop these directions and be somewhere else. i suddenly want to – in almost every single situation in my life – drop what i’m doing and go do something else entirely. i don’t think i’ve ever been so restless.

here are some things i’d rather be doing right about now.

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