Archive | October, 2010

a dreaded sunny day… 2.

25 Oct

note: yes, this cemetery day took place several months ago. oh well. life gets in the way. will post more cemetery pictures as i  take more… which will happen as i have more opportunities to go. (click on photos to see bigger versions)

before going to the old aberdeen cemetery, i stopped and had lunch with my friend jeff.

we didn’t talk much about the cemetery – though he did introduce me to some folks as his “goth” friend who was going to “listen to my chemical romance and dance on the graves” – and instead we talked about aberdeen and the upcoming first saturday there.

he said aberdeen’s downtown was growing and was much more cultured and artistic than people give it credit for. sitting in penny lane’s and wandering around downtown a bit, i could see that, but i didn’t really appreciate it until i made my way down to the cemetery. seems this artistic side of aberdeen has always been there.

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the sun shines, but i don’t

24 Oct

let me begin by saying: this album deserves a better post than this.

“mellon collie and the infinite sadness” by the smashing pumpkins turns 15 today. so does my cousin. i’ve been thinking a lot about these two lately, and about turning 15.

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