mah stuff

3 Apr

last fall i started taking pictures of stuff that was, well, MY stuff. stuff that meant a little something to me.

i meant to continue taking pictures and make this a continuous thing, but i stopped. for a lot of reasons. life distracted me and all that.

i looked back at these pictures these afternoon and, wow, these feel so dated, even though i took them in late october-early november. i feel like a million miles away from that time, already.

anyway, here’s mah stuff, from last fall, and hopefully soon i’ll start again…

click on the pictures to see them in high res!!
ps. sorry if the spacing is wonky, i can’t get it looking like i want…

my beloved claddagh ring, the first.

my bff debbie’s mom bought me this ring when we were in between junior and senior year, about six months before she passed. i wore it for nearly 10 years. it started giving out, and then debbie bought me a new one for christmas (as well as beautiful matching earrings). but this is my first, and still, my favorite.

months ago i moved my bed and found this poster stuffed underneath it. hannah made it for me for my birthday in 2006. it was the same weekend as my last night of press at the dm. anytime i feel like crap, now, i just look at this poster and feel all warm and fuzzy.

my hometown in the fall.

it gets a lot of disrespect, but really, there are some really great things about it. i think my hometown is pretty. it just doesn’t always want to show it. it’s pretty in a sneaky kind of way.

when i went down to hannah’s for halloween last year, her mom had made us all t-shirts and cookies with our nicknames: bean, pookie, lori lou, spider monkey.

here’s the thing. my grandma always called me bean. ALWAYS. no one else did. my mom called me bb until i told her one day that i didn’t like the letter b, so she went up one and after that i was cc. but to my grandma, until the day she died, i was bean.

then i met hannah and she called me bean. most of the time it’s beaner, but still, she calls me bean.

that’s how i know we’re besties, soul mates, everything.

the morning we left for new orleans, i sat outside hannah’s apartment and did my make-up. here’s what my make-up box looks like.

yeah, i really, really, really love urban decay.

hannah gave me this! and it is awesome.

my deity garden at work.

i think it’s funny how jesus’ likeness is made into so much weird stuff, like pencil toppers. i decided to collect jesuses, and whatever other deities came my way. hence my deity garden. i have two jesuses, a buddha, glory from buffy (she was a god!) and a frankenstein’d darth vader.

me and lori bought matching frankenstein’d darth vaders at target on our halloween trip.

thought my nails looked pretty that day.

i saw a blog – i have no idea where but i’m sure it’s out there somewhere – where a photographer took pictures of folks with the contents of their bags. this is my take on that. that was the bag i was using then and i carry around much of the same stuff, still. i just have a better phone these days.

one of my favorite pages/scenes in “gone with the wind.”

everytime my mom and i drove to my grandma’s nursing home, we’d pass this broken down abandoned house beside it and say we wish we could buy it and fix it up. i don’t think i still want to do that. still, i like the house.

alistair in the window!

a much less creepy photo of alistair, and then our sweet castiel. (yes, named after “supernatural” characters)

these are the stray cats at my parents’ house. i love them both so much but they don’t care for me. cas just won’t come near me much, and alleystair always hisses at me. whatever, i love them.

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