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“American Idol,” Feb. 6

6 Feb

Finally — the last of the “American Idol” auditions.

Tonight was “Best of the Rest” special.

Amy Davis kicked off the show singing “Blue Bayou.” I’ve already forgotten her, alas, but she was apparently good enough to go to Hollywood.

Cardin Lee McKinney did a great job of “One Night Only” from “Dreamgirls.” She was very Broadway, though (of course since she chose that song). Simon worries she’s not a contemporary recording artist but sends her through anway.

So I was too busy gossipping with my mom to hear Joanne Borgella’s backstory, other than she sang something at Madison Square Garden. She sang Celine Dion’s “I Love You.” Simon said no but Randy and Paula said yes, so she’s on her way.

Alicia…er…something or another…honestly I didn’t think she’d make it through so I didn’t really try to get her name. Anyway. She too tackled a Celine Dion song and bombed royally. But Randy and Paula said her voice sounded kinda Dolly-ish, so they asked that she learn a Dolly tune. She came back with “Islands in the Stream” and did a pretty good job of it. She’s through to Hollywood, but I doubt she’ll stay past that.

Chikezie Eze sang “All The Woman I Need” and did a nice job. He’s through.

Danny Noriega sang “Proud Mary.” Some parts were wonderful, others not so much, but it’ll be interesting to see what he’ll do in Hollywood.

And that’s it!!!

The ad for next week showed Simon stomping off and contestants crying — in other words, the usual for Hollywood. Stay tuned…

What’s Going On – Ledger, tour gallery, Bonnaroo

6 Feb

Super happy Wednesday to you all…

A few good reasons to smile this morning:

– I’m listening to Damien Rice. I know, you can’t hear him (unless you go to his MySpace page), but trust me, it’s making me a far mellower (mellower?) blogger this morning. Be thankful for ye Irishman.

– “American Idol” auditions are finally over! Even my dad is happy about this. Once he realized they had one more night of auditions last night, he said “aw, man” and left the room.

–”Buffy the Vampire Slayer” Season 8 #11, “A Beautiful Sunset,” ships this week. It’s a Joss Whedon-penned one shot where Buffy finally meets Twilight. This issue has been getting a lot of buzz for a while, almost as much as the next couple of issues, which are “Cloverfield”/”Lost”/”Alias”/”Buffy” scribe Drew Goddard’s “Wolves at the Gate” story arc.

OK. On to just a few newsy bits.

  • Going to the Kid Rock show in Tupelo? You might enjoy this photo gallery of the tour.
  • Stream the 25th anniversary “Thriller” album here.

And finally, Pop-Rock Candy Mountain scooped us all with this hot piece of scoopage: Eli Manning’s on Letterman tonight. Hotty Toddy!